01 Oct 2013 |
WS 13/14 Registration modalities |
Don't forget to register on every pages !
14 Jan 2013 |
Global Risks Report 2013 - World Economic Forum |
The Wharton Risk Center, an academic partner of the World Economic Forum since 2005, is pleased to present the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2013, eighth Edition. Click here to download this report.
The Global Risks Report 2013 analyses 50 global risks in terms of impact, likelihood and interconnections, based on a survey of over 1000 experts from industry, government and academia.
This year’s findings show that the world is more at risk as persistent economic weakness saps our ability to tackle environmental challenges. The report highlights wealth gaps (severe income disparity) followed by unsustainable government debt (chronic fiscal imbalances) as the top two most prevalent global risks. Following a year scarred by extreme weather, from Hurricane Sandy to flooding in China, respondents rated rising greenhouse gas emissions as the third most likely global risk overall. The findings of the survey fed into an analysis of three major risk cases: Testing Economic and Environmental Resilience, Digital Wildfires in a Hyperconnected World and The Dangers of Hubris on Human Health. In a special report on national resilience, the groundwork is laid for a new country resilience rating, which would allow leaders to benchmark their progress. The report also highlights “X Factors” – emerging concerns which warrant more research, including the rogue deployment of geoengineering and brain-altering technologies.
Click here to download this report.
17 Jul 2012 |
iNTeg-Risk was presented at World Congress on Risk in Sydney |
The European project iNTeg-Risk was presented at World Congress on Risk (WCR) in Sydney, Australia organized by Society for Risk Analysis (SRA).


The coordinator of iNTeg-Risk project, Aleksandar (Sasa) Jovanovic, gave a presentation on iNTeg-Risk project at WCR in Sydney Australia. The presentation informed participants from all over the world about the main results achieved thus far before the project ends in May 2013. Furthermore, the presentation addresses follow-up initiatives, in particular, the "European Emerging Risk Radar (E2R2)" (click here for more information about E2R2).
Details of the SRA event:
World Congress on Risk (WCR)
Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre
Sydney, Australia
July 18-20, 2012
The overall theme of the WCR 2012 was Risk and Development in a Changing World, and the three daily sub-themes were:
1. Disasters and Resilience;
2. Global and Emerging Risks; and
3. Risk and Sustainable Development.
Alternatively, visit the SRA WCR webpage at http://sra.org/worldcongress2012 for more information.
14 Jan 2012 |
Media coverage on World Economic Forum's "Global Risks Report 2012" |
Media coverage was given to the World Economic Forum's (WEF) "Global Risks Report 2012" which was presented by the Wharton Risk Center, an academic partner of the WEF since 2005. Click here to watch the video (WEF).
Media coverage ( see the list below) was given to the World Economic Forum's (WEF) "Global Risks Report 2012" which is presented by the Wharton Risk Center, an academic partner of the WEF since 2005.
In the following video which is produced by WEF, Mr. Erwann Michel-Kerjan, Managing Director of the Wharton Risk Center, examines the main findings of the Global Risks 2012 report and discusses its relevance to the private and public sectors. Click here to watch this video.

You may also follow the relevant media coverage listed below:
- Pfanner, E. (2012, January 11) Economic Troubles Cited As the Top Risks in 2012. The New York Times.
- Video where Mr. Howard Kunreuther, Co-Director of the Wharton Risk Center, addresses globalization and the results of interconnectedness in this interview for CBC Toronto. Click here to watch this video.

10 Jan 2012 |
Excursion to Zürich (Swiss Re) - Latest version of the agenda available! |
Planned visit to one of the biggest Reinsurance Company: Swiss Re.
To download a PDF version of the program, click here.
Get the opportunity to discover the emerging risks sector from inside, participating to our visit to Swiss Re in Zurich. This excursion will take place on the Jan 11, 2012 as a part of the Emerging Risks and Corporate Responsibility course.
Students will have a unique chance to learn from professionals and to share their projects and points of views with them.
Tentative Program*:
7:30 Meeting at Stuttgart's main station / Departure to Zurich
11:30 - 12:15 Welcome and introduction to re-insurance company Swiss Re (R.Schneider)
12:15 - 13:00 Lunch
13:30 - 15:00 Discussion on CSR activities of Swiss Re (including presentations of students review results)
15:00 - 16:30 Discussion on activities related to Emerging Risks at Swiss Re
16:30 End of the excursion / Departure to Stuttgart
* To download a PDF version of the program, click here.
NOTE: This is a tentative program, we will keep you informed about any further updates. |
20 Jan 2010 |
WS 10/11 iCSR Excursion to Bayer and BMAS 2010 |
See the pictures of the iCSR excursion...
See the pictures of the iCSR excursion to Bayer in Leverkusen und to the BMAS in Berlin. From January 20-21, 2010 the students had the possibility to present their survey results to the CSR referees of Bayer and the Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS). Moreover they got a great insight into the work of Bayer and BMAS on CSR. Animated disussions and useful information gave the students hands-on CSR experiences. You can download the pictures here. |
31 Jan 2008 |
WS 07/08 iCSR-Course and Excursion information |
Look here for more information about the course and excursion of WS 07/08!